Day 7: Restoration & Reflection w/ Ashley
Complete your week with restorative poses like Legs-Up-the-Wall (Viparita Karani), supported backbends, and gentle twists. We'll incorporate longer holds and deeper breathing, allowing time for reflection and integration of the week's practices.
16:39about 1 month ago
Day 5: Back Care & Flexibility w/ Ashley
about 1 month ago
Enhance spinal health with poses like Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana), Cat-Cow variations, and gentle backbends. Each movement will be mindful and controlled, focusing on proper alignment and breath awareness.
17:41about 1 month ago
Day 4: Chest & Shoulder Opening w/ As...
about 1 month ago
Open the heart and shoulders through poses like Cobra, Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana), and gentle backbends. We'll work on shoulder blade integration and proper chest opening, creating space in the upper body while maintaining stability.
16:04about 1 month ago
Day 3: Hip Opening & Twists w/ Ashley
about 1 month ago
Open and release tension in the hips through poses like Extended Side Angle, Pigeon Pose variations, and twists. We'll hold each pose with conscious breathing, allowing for deep release while maintaining proper alignment.