Yoga is a pathway to center your body, breath, and awareness to be curious about what arises within the shape. This is a flow that is about staying curious where resistance lives in your body to unlock tension so your energy can flow more freely. This translates into your mind so you can release beliefs that may keep you blocked from the source of your creative potential. recommended: block
1:17:276 months ago
75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
6 months ago
Aligning a yoga pose takes focus and patience. When your body is sturdy there is safe space for your mind and heart to come together and explore the shape. Being courageous to stay with all the sensations that arise when you are holding a pose, helps you hold whatever truth is emerging. This is k...
1:17:587 months ago
75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
7 months ago
Yoga means "Yolk", bring together. Another definition is Skill in Action. A dedicated practice develops the tools you need to ride the waves of life with more ease. Doesn't mean you won't get tumbled at time, but you will be willing to get back up and keep flowing with life. This is a practice to...
1:17:147 months ago
75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
7 months ago
This is a space to drop in and get present. Yoga brings you into the moment. This a sequence to open the lines of communication within so you can attend to what is showing up. Slow down and release resistance so you can flow with more ease. When you get real with what lives within you are creatin...