With everything shifting around us, your energy may need a shift too. This is a flow to shed some heaviness and lighten up your inner life so you can move with more ease. Stop, drop in, and deepen your relationship with your body, breath, mind, and heart so you can step back into a world in flux in your flow. recommended: block and strap
1:15:4919 days ago
75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
19 days ago
The poses are places to ground, center, and align with your body and put your energy into motion. This is a sequence to explore and attune to what you need. Every breath brings you into relationship with your inner world so you can live authentically in the outer world. Feelings are not facts or ...
1:15:3426 days ago
75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
26 days ago
Flip your attention inward to soften the strain of your eyes and refresh your lens of perception. Our eyes take in so much information that can leave us feeling scattered and lost. When we slow down and shift our gaze inward and toward what is essential, we can center and focus. (Pratyahara) This...
1:16:11about 1 month ago
75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
about 1 month ago
Slow the outer noise and spiral inward to attend to your body, mind, and heart. Simplicity is a space to remember who you are. Avidya means "ignorance" , the kind that we all get caught up in. It is when we believe we have to do, perform, achieve to gain approval or worthiness. We mistake what is...