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Mia Togo

75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia - FREE/D/OM - 8/3/2023

1h 21m


  • Vinyasa Flow 2-3 with Mia 75 min - Wh...

    over 1 year ago

    Samskaras are patterns that can spin you in a circle because they are familiar. They are like spinning our wheels in ruts going nowhere. This class focuses on the pelvic and thoracic wheels to help get you into the drivers seat and set course for new exciting roads.

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...

    over 1 year ago

    We go through many cycles of change in life. This twisting sequence helps you tune into your inner world so you can honor the rhythm of your outer world. Learning to listen to the cues of your body is key to trusting your inner knowing. recommended: strap and block

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...

    over 1 year ago

    We all can get lost in the spin of Avidya, which means ignorance. This Klesha (obstacle) is a helpful reminder to untangle what is holding you back and thread in new inspiration to support you on the adventure of life. Staying humble and looking inward goes a long way in creating outer change. re...