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Watch this video and more on YogaWorks

45 min YogaWorks 1 w/Jesse Core and low Back 8/22/23


  • 45 min YogaWorks 1 w/Jesse Beginners ...

    over 1 year ago

    This class focuses on breath and the foundation of the poses by exploring the actions and placement of the feet. I also introduce the idea of "vinyasa" After specific instruction I allow you to have some time in the poses to simply feel it out individually.

  • 45 min YogaWorks 1 w/Jesse What Groun...

    over 1 year ago

    This class brings our attention to our breath and what grounds up. I offer very specific instructions about your feet and their placement in the poses. You will have the chance to explore your body from the ground up and discover where you are open or need some stretching or where you feel strong...

  • 45 min YogaWorks level 1 w/Jesse "Con...

    over 1 year ago

    Union! Connect the body breath and mind in this class.I teach the foundations and roots of the poses very specifically and then we add breath and dynamic movements and create the start of a flow. There is lots of movement and instructions. NO props needed.