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45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Gratitude for Your Body 11/21/23


  • 45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Joyful,...

    over 1 year ago

    Move with curiosity and gratitude can do and what the body is. Tamika guides you through a slow moving vinyasa flow that encourages exploration and joy.

    All levels
    Props: 2 blocks

  • 45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Flow fo...

    over 1 year ago

    How can I care more for myself and be mindful of what the body is saying? Tamika guides you through a slow moving flow to build mindfulness and care for yourself.

    All levels
    Props: 2 blocks

  • 45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Work in...

    over 1 year ago

    The work of yoga doesn't have to be miserable. And it shouldn't be. Recorded on Halloween, the feline version of Tamika guides you through a fun flow to harness levity, particularly during trying times.

    Props: 2 blocks, a wall is helpful
    All levels