When it's cold outside, deep in the dark of winter, or even when we're just feeling a little dark on the inside, cultivating the opposite is a yogic principle we can call on to shift our mood. Enjoy a spicy slow flow that taps into the solar plexus chakra to heat up from the inside out without a single chaturanga.
All levels
Props: strap, 2 blocks and/or bolster
44:13about 1 year ago
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Curious...
about 1 year ago
You ever just want to move to feel good? We can do that within the framework of yoga asana. With special attention to the quads and neck, Tamika guides you through a series of curiosity inspired, non-performative movement in service to the pillars of yoga: self study and contentment that is well ...
42:49about 1 year ago
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Ebb & C...
about 1 year ago
Everything around us could be calm or it could be in chaos. When we're in more awareness, possibly with a still mind, we're more able to ebb and flow. Tamika guides you through enjoyable movement to generate flow and joy, just in time for when you need them.
Props: 2 blocks, strap
All levels, In... -
44:11over 1 year ago
45 min. Slow Flow w/ Tamika - Embodie...
over 1 year ago
Nonharm, nonattachment, self study, and surrender are some of the fundamental principles of yoga. Without them, our movement practice is devoid of a foundation. Tamika employs these concepts to this movement practice to encourage embodiment and joyful movement.
All levels, Intermediate
2 blocks