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LIVE: Vinyasa Flow 2 w/ Jesse (Thu) 45min


  • 45 min Level 2 Flow w/Jesse "Pay Atte...

    almost 2 years ago

    This class will capture your attention to PAY attention to your body, movement, muscle engagement and breath. Leave your mind behind and join the flow of this one. Well rounded and paced. I introduce themes right away and they stay with us until the end. No props needed.

  • 45 min - Vinyasa 2 - w/Jesse - Move B...

    almost 2 years ago

    Lots of flow and movement and as we work HARD we ALSO relax deeply. Focus is on breath and the parts of the body that are engaged vs softening. Don't let the calm fool ya int thinking it's an easy class. IT commands your attention and gets you out of your head and in to your body.

  • 45 min - Vinyasa 2 - w/Jesse - Bye By...

    almost 2 years ago

    Lots of Yummies make their way into this class. We do a classical YogaWorks Flow with sun salutes and standing poses and twists. I focus a LOT on the breath and feeling it in each move and pose. I also focus on the arms and what they are doing leading us to handstand should you choose. Variations...