Circle and pulse your way to a quick at home arm burn designed to tone and strengthen the arms, shoulders, and back! No props needed.
Up Next in Maya's BarWorks
12 min CoreBootyWorks w/ Maya
Challenge yourself with this workout focused on the upper body including the core, chest, arms, and upper back.
Recommended props: Weights
25 min BarWorks w/ Maya - 6/9/24
Join Maya for a quick full-body workout targeting the arms, legs, butt, and core. Exercises include: arms with and without weights, standing legs, plank abs, glutes, abs on back and more. Recommended equipment: 1-3 lb hand weights, small resistance band
20 min CoreBootyWorks for the Legs w/...
Strengthen, lengthen, and tone your legs! Here's a quick 20-minute session with movements designed to firm the booty and sculpt long and lean hips, thighs, legs and calves.
Recommended props: 9 inch exercise ball or yoga block