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Jesse Schein

45 min All Levels Vinyasa Flow w/ Jesse Well Rounded Buffett 3/26/24

Up Next in Jesse's YogaWorks

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Jesse Twis...

    The request was TWISTS. I obliged. Lots of attention to HOW we set and prep for this group of poses. We strengthen the legs core and glutes and learn how to square hips and maximize length in the torso. By the time we twist we are ready to go deep. One block very useful.

  • 45 min All Levels Vinyasa Flow w/ Jes...

    This class teaches you about the core and how we use it in our poses. There is something for beginners, intermediate and advanced in the all levels as I offer a large buffet!

  • 45 min All Levels Vinyasa Flow w/ Jes...

    This class caters to ALL levels. We explore the upper body and legs. We don't vinyasa as much as I usually do and rather spend more time on foundations and alinements. It isn't easy though don't let that fool ya. Weather you are new or seasoned this class has something for everyone.