• 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Brea...

    *Please read* Elena had a fun internet outage and had to switch 14 minutes in to her phone (which she did with swift courage and ingenuity), so please don't forget to do your asymmetrical cat/cow on the 2nd side before downdog. Don't skip this class though, cause the concept is dope: we use the b...

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Cont...

    Get your shoulder freak on with this slow & precise class. This practice utilizes blocks and isometric engagement in the shoulders to feel da burn, in a fun way. Props: 1 block.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Twis...

    Build strength and awareness around your spine and core in twists, side bends, and extension. Props: 1 block.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Warr...

    Warrior 1, 2, and 3, coming right up with details, time, and patience. Optional props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket.

  • 45 min Hatha Yoga 1-2 w/ Elena - Pige...

    It's hip openers day! We combine a little bit of active work with single leg balancing, ending practice with pigeon (or figure 4!). Good stuff all around, y'all. Recommended props: 2 blocks, 1 blanket.