Bedtime Yoga

Bedtime Yoga

Get ready to be grounded. Our curated collection of classes will lull you into a peaceful slumber like never before. Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to blissful sleep. Start your journey to sweet dreams today.

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Bedtime Yoga
  • 20 min Yin to Reset and Unwind w/ Tamika

    Wind down with this calming Yin practice that will reset your nervous system in just 20 minutes. Head to the Playlist section of the app to listen to the paired playlist. Suggested props: bolster, blanket

  • 20 min Nighttime Ritual w/ Ashley

    Develop a nighttime ritual for yourself with this restorative practice that concludes with supported savasana and guided yoga nidra to prepare you for deep rest and sleep. Suggested props: blocks, bolster

  • Bedtime Yoga

    This gentle yoga practice is a great remedy for anyone feeling stress or tension in their body or mind. It includes mindful movements, meditation, and deep rest.

  • 15 min Evening Wind Down w/ Elena

    Unwind tension from a busy day with this thoughtful class that includes gentle movement, long holds, and passive postures to round us off. Suggested props: 1 block

  • 20 min Easeful Evening Flow w/ Ashley

    Unwind from your day with gentle movement that reconnects you to your body and breath, preparing you for a relaxed and peaceful evening. Suggested props: blocks

  • 20 min Hit Reset w/ Elena

    Reset your mind and body with this grounded practice. This class combines flowing with breath and long holds to inspire focus and energy and to reduce stress. Suggested props: 1 block