60 min - YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - Shoulder Opening Flow - 5/21/23
1h 2m
Join Maya for an intermediate flow practice exploring the various ranges of motion of your shoulder joints. Postures include: Sun Salutations, Standing Poses, Lunge Variations, Core Work, Dolphin, Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand), Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow), and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga belt.
1:04:37almost 2 years ago
60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - Slow & S...
almost 2 years ago
Join Maya for this slow and steady full-body practice exploring how moving with intention can both challenge the body and create ease in the mind. Postures include: Sun Salutations A, Standing Poses, Plank Variations, Balance Poses, Dolphin, Ustrasana (Camel Pose), and more. Recommended props: 1-...
1:03:58almost 2 years ago
60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - Outer Hi...
almost 2 years ago
Join Maya for a mindful intermediate flow exploring poses that open and stabilize the outer hips. Postures include: Sun Salutations, Standing Poses, Balance Poses, Bakasana (Crow Pose), Core Work, and Hip Opening Poses. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga blanket or bolster if preferred fo...
1:04:34almost 2 years ago
60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - Happy Sh...
almost 2 years ago
Join Maya for a mindful flow exploring the range of motion of the shoulders, including dynamic movement and static holds. Postures include: Sun Salutations A&B, Standing Poses, Prone Backbends, Inversions (Dolphin and Pincha Mayurasana), and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, 1 yoga belt.