A flow to reframe and reset your perspective. One of the Yamas "restraints" is Aparigraha which means "non greed" It is a helpful tool to keep us accountable on the mat so we don't take more than what we need. This is a flow to tune in to your breath and body and listen to the feedback. This helps to unravel limited beliefs that can push us into poses and places that keep us stuck. On the path of liberation, only we can change what lives within so we live in the present and update our perspective of how we see the outer world. recommended: block and strap
1:17:354 months ago
75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
4 months ago
A strong flow to strengthen you from the inside out. The poses are spaces to reflect your approach and make space for what is showing up in your inner world. This opening relates to Satya (Truth) Getting honest with what needs updating so you feel aligned to your personal power. recommended: blan...
1:17:024 months ago
LIVE: Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Mia (Sat) 7...
4 months ago
PT 8:30 AM - CT 10:30 AM- ET 11:30 AM
1:18:034 months ago
75 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
4 months ago
A flow headed toward inversions. There will be plenty of prep and you pause where it is appropriate for your body. The Kleshas (obstacles) are helpful reminders to not take the poses too seriously and connect to what the pose reveals so you are aligned with your True Self. Challenges are necessar...