60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 8/26/24
1h 3m
Join Maya for an intermediate flow class to stretch and stabilize the outer hips in preparation for standing balance postures. Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, Garudasana (eagle pose), inversions, gentle and supported backbends, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks, yoga blanket or towel for sitting
1:03:287 months ago
60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 8/12/24
7 months ago
Join Maya for an intermediate flow class to open the hip flexors and upper back in preparation for backbends. Poses include: sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, Parsvottanasana (pyramid pose), Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (twisting half moon pose), gentle backbends, Ustrasana (camel po...
1:01:507 months ago
60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 8/5/24
7 months ago
Join Maya for a mindful intermediate flow leading to Bakasana (crow pose). Poses include: sun salutations A & B, standing poses, Vrksasana (tree pose), core work, hip openers, gentle backbends, Dhanurasana (bow pose), twists, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks
1:02:198 months ago
60 min YogaWorks 2 w/ Maya - 7/29/24
8 months ago
Join Maya for an intermediate flow class focused on opening and stabilizing the shoulders in preparation for Pincha Mayurasana (forearm balance). Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations A & B, standing poses, core work, Gomukasana arms (shoulder opener), inversions, Ustrasana (camel pose...