40 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Mindful Shoulder Stability - 6/15/23
This therapeutic practice offers a thoughtful exploration into shoulder stability through plank and side-plank with a healthy dose of options for loading the wrists. Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 blanket. Optional: Wall, 2 blocks.
51:28almost 2 years ago
45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - He...
almost 2 years ago
Who cares about your adductors? We do! Give your adductors (your inner thighs) some TLC and feel how it impacts the rest of your body. This practice uses SMR, standing postures and mindful activation to access awareness around your addies. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 ball, 1 chair, 1 blanket.
50:55almost 2 years ago
45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Ne...
almost 2 years ago
Unwind neck, jaw, and upper shoulder tension in this mindfully curated class focused on gentle movement, self-myofascial release, and breath. Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 block.
51:50almost 2 years ago
45 min Therapeutic Yoga w/ Elena - Sh...
almost 2 years ago
Create space and give some love to the shoulders & arms with this thoughtfully sequenced class. This practice includes finding rotational capacity in the shoulders & forearms, gentle pec opening, rhythmic movement and self-myofascial release. Recommended props: 1 chair, 1 blanket, 1 wall, 2 blocks.