30 min Yogaworks w/ Ashley- Low Back and Legs - 06/15/2023
This yoga class is designed to release tension in the low back and legs. The class begins with some strap work on the floor, followed by postures like Downward Facing Dog, Twisted Lunge, and Double Pigeons. These poses will help you stretch and strengthen your muscles, leaving you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated especially if you have been traveling or sedentary for long periods of time. Props Recommended: 2 Blocks and a Strap.
37:16almost 2 years ago
30 min YogaWork w/ Ashley - Get Into ...
almost 2 years ago
Get into your practice with Ashley. Get moving immediately and into a well-rounded flow that will open your shoulders, hips and chest.
33:48almost 2 years ago
30 min YogaWorks w/ Ashley - Continuo...
almost 2 years ago
Join Ashley for a continuous flow practice that ends with cooling breath work. Start with Sun Salutations and Standing Poses to build heat and connect with your body and move into a cooling breathwork techniques like Chandra Bhedana to close.
Props Recommended: 2 Blocks
31:11almost 2 years ago
30 min Yogaworks w/ Ashley - Flow for...
almost 2 years ago
A shorter practice that keep your continuously moving with your breath for 30 minutes. Props Recommended: 2 Blocks