30 min YogaWork w/ Ashley - Get Into It - 06/08/2023,
Get into your practice with Ashley. Get moving immediately and into a well-rounded flow that will open your shoulders, hips and chest.
33:48almost 2 years ago
30 min YogaWorks w/ Ashley - Continuo...
almost 2 years ago
Join Ashley for a continuous flow practice that ends with cooling breath work. Start with Sun Salutations and Standing Poses to build heat and connect with your body and move into a cooling breathwork techniques like Chandra Bhedana to close.
Props Recommended: 2 Blocks
31:11almost 2 years ago
30 min Yogaworks w/ Ashley - Flow for...
almost 2 years ago
A shorter practice that keep your continuously moving with your breath for 30 minutes. Props Recommended: 2 Blocks
34:37almost 2 years ago
30 min YogaWorks w / Ashley - 30 to I...
almost 2 years ago
This yoga practice focuses on helping students work towards inversions. This 30 minute class with Ashley builds strength, opens the body and flows through a series of asanas that prepare the body to go upside down. Challenge yourself, evolve and ultimately return to a feeling of being more balanc...