30 min Yogaworks w/ Ashley - All Hips, No Hands: A Gentle Practice - 06/13/2023
This yoga practice focuses on opening all sides of the hips. It starts gently and builds to standing and balanced postures. The practice ends with a long cool down to open the hips, reclined bound angle, and savasana.
31:42almost 2 years ago
30 min YogaWorks w/ Ashley
almost 2 years ago
This yoga sequence focuses on opening the hamstrings and moving towards the the full split. Warm up with reclined bridge, sun salutations and standing forward folds, then move on to poses like Downward Facing Dog and Crescent Warrior. Work towards the peak pose of full split or hanumansana, and f...
36:29almost 2 years ago
30 Min YogaWorks w/ Ashley - Spinal L...
almost 2 years ago
Give some love to your shoulders and spine in this practice.
31:01almost 2 years ago
30 min Yogaworks w/ Ashley - Heated T...
almost 2 years ago
This shorter format practice will focus on standing posture that will open and warm your entire body. By the end of the practice, you will be ready to turn the heat of the practice down with some cooling hip openers. Props Recommended: 2 Blocks