Take some time and shift your gaze inward. Like the eagle pose you practice, it symbolizes expanding your view beyond the confines of the mind and into the depths of your inner knowing. This is the place of where you hold your creative power with care and accountability. recommended: Blankets or Bolster
09:467 months ago
10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Align with...
7 months ago
Take some time to sit and tune in. Life has distractions and challenges AND when you can shift gears and align with your essence you are more present to handle them with more ease. recommended: bolster or blankets
09:487 months ago
10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Dial into ...
7 months ago
Sit and connect to your center. Your inner and outer worlds are changing all the time. Be present with what arises and not merge with it. This gives you the freedom to ride the waves of life with more joy and ease. recommended: blankets
10:287 months ago
10 min Meditation w/ Mia - Insight an...
7 months ago
Take a time out and tune into your inner world. A space to empty out and allow new energy to fill you up and inspire your life. Insight to help you navigate the changes of life. recommended: blankets or Bolster