It is strong to slow down and soften tension. When you do there is more space to feel your flow. The element of water is reminder to let your edges smooth so your life force can move through you and create freedom. This is a flow to navigate your poses with curiosity so you can move obstacles and liberate your body, mind, and energy. Hardening is an old story of scarcity that can keep us stuck, softening creates ease so you can navigate change with skill. recommended: block and strap
1:02:12about 2 months ago
60 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
about 2 months ago
Meet yourself on your mat and shift inward to rein in your mind and reset your focus. The poses are a gateway to create room for your inner life to flow. This is well rounded sequence to embrace wherever resistance pops up so you can release the grip, untangle tension, and allow your mind, body, ...
1:01:56about 2 months ago
60 min Vinyasa Flow level 2/3 w/ Mia ...
about 2 months ago
Take an hour to dive in to your practice to resource your inner power. There are many voices out in the world that tell us how to be and live that are not in alignment with your truth. Yoga is a pathway to deconstruct obstacles so you can flow forward with more grace. It is not just physical bloc...