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Watch this video and more on YogaWorks

Jillian Pransky

45 min Core Centering w/ Jillian


Up Next in Jillian Pransky

  • 10 minute Short Meditation

    Cultivate a deeper sense of awareness and calm in this short, guided meditation. Recommended props: 1 blanket.

  • 45 minute Rooted and Relaxed

    Begin with 20 minutes designed to nourish and open the psoas, hips, pelvis, and low back, and then allow yourself to be guided through 25 minutes of restoratives and deep relaxation to expand your capacity for easeful complete breathing. This practice is lovely for morning or night, and will leav...

  • Legs Up The Wall

    This gentle supported inversion can refresh and cleanse the body and mind in only 5 minutes! It's the perfect way to end or take a break from your work day. Recommended props: 1 blanket, 1 chair