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Jesse Schein

75 min 2-3 Vinyasa Flow w/ Jesse Welcome to my/your World 12/11/23

1h 16m


  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2/3 w/ Jesse We B...

    11 months ago

    We build lots of heat and waste no time. We destroy our to do lists and put our heavy load down and get present and focused. Lots to choose from.

  • 75 min Vinyasa 2-3 w/ Jesse Inner and...

    11 months ago

    We explore a lot of leg action and lead up to a fancy arm balance and deep forward fold. Expect your legs and hamstrings to come alive in this one! 2 blocks

  • 75 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/Jesse Nobod...

    11 months ago

    LOTS and LOTS of Guidance on opening your upper body and quads. We move and flow and hold and sweat and laugh and cry and wind up in backbends that I make accessible to all. This is gonna be a deeeep savasana if ya'll stay till the end.