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30 min. Yoga Nidra w/ Tamika - Yoga Nidra for Peace 8/20/23

Yoga Nidra


  • 30 min. Yoga Nidra w/ Tamika - Imagin...

    over 1 year ago

    The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali suggest that the mind states can be mastered, of which one is imagination (or delusion). What's possible if we use imagination to create a reality that we haven't yet seen, but are trying to ignite within ourselves. Tamika will guide you to create that lived experienc...

  • LIVE: Yoga Nidra w/ Tamika (Sun) 30 m...

    over 1 year ago

    PT 7:00 PM - CT 9:00 PM- ET 10:00 PM
    Increase your awareness and reframe stress with Tamika

  • 30 min. Yoga Nidra w/ Tamika - Perfec...

    over 1 year ago

    In this practice suited to the Waxing Gibbous (the moon just before it's full), explore the aspect of you that's the resistance between you and what you're looking to shift to serve your highest good.

    Set up for a comfortable savasana or your most comfortable position.