Yoga For Anxiety

Yoga For Anxiety

This series offers simple yet powerful flow practices that combine breath with movement - creating stability and an increased sense of inner-calm to help reduce daily stress and anxiety.

Yoga For Anxiety
  • Intro Yoga For Anxiety

    The breath is a powerful tool for regulating ones nervous system. This series offers simple practices that combine breath with specific movements to create a sense of stability and grounding in order to combat daily stress and anxiety.

  • 45 min Grounding Flow w/ Jesse

    Get grounded with this well-rounded flow class designed to reduce anxiety. Focus on the root of your postures and what is connecting you to the Earth.

  • 30 min Focus & Feel Core Flow w/ Jesse

    Get comfortable with the uncomfortable in this challenging, core-focused class - because often the best way to reduce anxiety is to be with your discomfort and breathe through it.

  • 30 min Slow Flow for Letting Go w/ Jesse

    Move slowly in this gentle flow class that focuses on letting go physically and energetically.

  • 15 min Breath, Mindfulness & Meditation w/ Jesse

    This class uses simple yet powerful breathing, mindfulness and meditation practices to reduce stress and anxiety.