Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga

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Yin Yoga
  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Calm the mind, open the heart 8/27/23

    In this class, calm the mind, soften the body with a series of Yin postures that create the space for a sumptuous Restorative practice.

    Props: sofa/chair/pouf/ottoman, yoga strap, 2 blocks or bolster, 4-5 blankets, pillows, eye covering
    Approximately 30 mins Yin, 45 mins Restorative


  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Big Supermoon Energy 8/30/23

    Yoga creates a state of yoga. If that state isn't being created, is it yoga that we're doing? Tamika encourages you to use the wall and other props as support in moving into a state of harmony alongside challenge.

    This practice is helpful for low back sensitivity and days of fatigue.

    Props: wal...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Responsive, not reactive 8/28/23

    In this practice, Tamika guides you through a practice to generate a more reactive spirit... to action your yoga.

    Props: 2 blocks, a yoga strap and a bolster might be helpful

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - from Ghost Ranch 9/3/23

    Take the time to get quiet to hear, sense, and notice what you really want and need. The Yin postures will give insight as to what you need in adjusting for what works for you while the Restorative postures will offer spaces of calm and deep listening.

    Props: blankets, 2 blocks

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Wipe the slate clean 9/10/23

    Imagine being able to sit with yourself in quiet, explore deep listening to your body and your mind, and then resting for a while. You don't have to imagine that reset. It's here. Wipe the slate clean with this gooey class that is a full reset for the week.

    Variations shown with two bodies
    2 Blo...

  • 60 mins. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Grounded Heart Openers 9/11/23

    Sometimes you just need a series of backbends to break open. Enjoy this well-sequenced series that invites grounding and connection to the earth -- a soft place to land for your open-heartedness.

    Props: 2 blocks, bolster, strap

  • 60 min.Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Add some fire to your Late Summer Yin 9/13/23

    Late Summer energetics in Yin Yoga are correlated to grounding and Earth-oriented practices according to Five Element Theory. In this class, Tamika adds a bit of Fire element energetics to add a spark to what can be a bit of a malaise. This practice is great for any time you're feeling stuck and ...

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - The Power of Rest 9/17/23

    Get rid of the get rid of the karmas of the day/week/month through Yin, and resolve samskaras (old soul impressions) that don't serve you through rest. Tamika guides a gooey Yin practice that prepares your body and mind for deep rest through Restorative shapes.

    Helpful props: 4 blankets, 2 block...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Calm & Contentment 9/18/23

    PT 5:30 PM- CT 7:30 PM- ET 8:30 PM
    Slow, deep stretch with Tamika

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/Tamika - Autumn Equinox Intentions 9/24/23

    With the shift of seasons, our intentionality shifts, too. We are in the season dedicated letting go and preparation for the longest nights. What do you want to carry? What is yours to carry? Tamika guides you through Yin postures to create moments of inquiry and Restorative postures to settle in...

  • 60 min. Yoga w/ Tamika - Autumn, grief & energy 9/25/23

    Looking to nature is a way to gain context for what's going on in our lives. Tamika gives a bit of information on this and Five Element Theory, and guides a practice to balance the energies of the season of Fall.

    Props: 2 blocks, 1 bolster
    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika-Spaces between the spaces 9/27/23

    What is a barrier to entry to your best self? Sometimes it's resisting the juice that's found in the liminal spaces. In this balancing practice, Tamika guides you into shapes that stress the body, then offer time to notice the spaces between the poses for breath and release.

    All levels
    Props: 2 ...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Letting go & discernment 10/2/23

    Autumn is a time of release, which can be incredibly liberating. But letting go is oftentimes hard and requires some time to do. In this practice, Tamika guides long, slow, delicious shapes that inspire pratyahara (turning inward), deep listening and the gift of good discernment.

    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Support your heart 10/9/23

    In times of challenge and in joy, we open our hearts. Tamika guides you through a practice of poses that supports open-heartedness.

    Props: Wall or sofa, 2 blocks, strap is helpful
    All levels, though familiarity with Yin posture names can make for a better experience.
    Playlist: https://open.spoti...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Nourish yourself deeply 10/11/23

    In times of deep challenge, craft space in the body and the mind for calm. Tamika guides a practice stimulating energetic lines in the body that correlate to deep nourishment.

    All levels,
    2 blocks

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/41BrnbOM4cw2KJFtCUZd8K?si=142622e5dab54d96 (start at t...

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - The Yoga of Dreaming 10/16/23

    "Healing requires labor." Tamika guides you through an exploration of concepts presented by Lama Rod Owens of yoga for collective liberation. In this first class, she invites you into inquiry: What are you dreaming for? What would you like to experience on the mat?

    all levels
    props: 1 block & a...

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Explore, then surrender 10/8/23

    PT 8:00 AM- CT 10:00 AM- ET 11:00 AM
    Slow, deep, restful, do the work with Tamika

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Yin for Spaciousness 10/18/23

    Yoga is skill in action. (BG) Action your tools to meet the all of the moments that create deep challenge for us. Rather than focusing on loads and compression, Tamika guides a practice focused on expansiveness in long gooey familiar shapes. This is another classed themed to the Four Yogas -- The...

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga - Integrate rest & resilience 10/22/23

    Fold into yourself in this long class of inspired stillness in supported and unsupported shapes.

    All levels
    Props: 2 blocks, bolster, chair or sofa, 2 blankets, and eye covering

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Yoga for Clarity 10/23/23

    Observe for clarity with no attempt to shift or fix. Tamika guides you through a practice of self inquiry and exploration through long-held Yin poses. What does the destination of clarity look like in your body and your practice that’s worth the confusion, discomfort and challenges that we oftent...

  • 75 min. Yin & Restorative Yoga w/ Tamika - Rest, Resilience, & Release 10/29/23

    Integrating the Yoga of Clarity, Tamika guides you through shapes and practices that inspire rest, resilience and release. Notice the difference between these three qualities and tap into what you need when you need it. This class is especially supportive for those going through a difficult time....

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - The Work of Yoga 10/30/23

    Yogic work is concerted, consistent practice. There are no goals. There is no achievement. In this practice, Tamika guides you through a practice that asks you to action your yoga tools of breath, stillness, and self awareness.

    Props: Wall, 2 blocks, 1 blanket
    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Mental Mastery 11/1/23

    How do you meet moments of challenge? Tamika guides you through a practice of expanded awareness and mental mastery through the exploration deep Yin shapes.

    Props: bolster or 2 blocks
    All levels

  • 60 min. Yin Yoga w/ Tamika - Yoga of Care 11/6/23

    Are you caring for yourself enough to do the work of care for others? Tamika guides you through a series of Yin favorites that are held for longer periods of time with longer transitions so that you may steep yourself in the yoga of care.

    All levels
    Props: 2 blocks, 1 bolster, eye covering
