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45 min Gentle Yoga for the Whole Body w/ John

Vinyasa Flow

Up Next in Vinyasa Flow

  • 45 min Vinyasa w/ Ashley - Begin with...

    Join Ashley for a 45 minute Vinyasa Flow practice that slowly builds heat and strength through repetitive movement, while connecting you to a deeper meaning for you practice.
    This well-rounded practice is suitable for all levels, leaving you feeling stronger, connected and aligned.

    Props recomm...

  • 45 min Vinyasa 2 w/ Vytas - No Chatur...

    A strong and sweet class full of the basics. Vytas weaves the subtle with plenty of intensity to bring you one of his classic sequences.

  • 45 min Vinyasa w/ Ashley - Even & Ope...

    The way we shape our breath can shape our experience. In this practice, Ashley focuses on creating an even breath to promote balance in your body and mind.
    You'll move through various balancing, opening, and strengthening asanas that prepare you for an even and opening backbend.