Join Maya for an intermediate-advanced flow practice designed to facilitate opening in the upper back and shoulders for inversions and backbends. Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations, shoulder openers, standing poses, core work, inversions, Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward facing bow pose), twists, and more. Recommended props: 1-2 yoga blocks.
1:01:358 months ago
60 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Maya - 5/1...
8 months ago
Join Maya for an intermediate-advanced flow practice focused on the shoulders, spine, and core in preparation for twists and backbending. Poses include: sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, Parivrtta Trikonasana (twising triangle), inversions, Urdhva Dhanurasana (upward facing bow), hi...
1:01:508 months ago
60 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Maya - 5/3/24
8 months ago
Join Maya for an intermediate-advanced level practicing exploring shoulder opening and core strengthening postures in preparation for inversions and backbends. Poses include: lunge variations, sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, Arhda Chandra Chapasana (sugarcane pose), inversions inc...
1:00:578 months ago
60 min Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Maya - 4/2...
8 months ago
Join Maya for an intermediate-advanced level practice exploring the hips and shoulders and leading toward Bhujapidasana (shoulder pressing pose). Poses include: sun salutations, standing poses, balance poses, Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana B (extended hand to big toe pose), core work, arm balances...