45 min Hatha Yoga 1/2 w/ Elena - We Love Side Plank - 6/23/23
Explore sideplank variations in this mindful, slow-paced hatha class. Together, we'll explore stability and strength in the shoulder and how it integrates with core and hips. Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.
40:57almost 2 years ago
40 min Hatha Yoga 1/2 w/ Elena - Shou...
almost 2 years ago
Blocks can support, lift, and carry us in space, but did you also know we can use blocks to tap into more effort? This practice mindfully incorporates a block to access the mobility and deep stabilizing strength of the shoulders in the context of well-known yoga postures. Recommended props: 1 blo...
42:42almost 2 years ago
40 min Hatha Yoga 1/2 w/ Elena - Open...
almost 2 years ago
Methodically mobilize and move your spine and learn the mechanics of embodied backbends in this practice that works up towards a variation of Camel pose (Ustrasana). Recommended props: 1 block, 1 blanket.
41:30almost 2 years ago
40 min Hatha Yoga 1/2 w/ Elena - Mind...
almost 2 years ago
Start to build your connection and awareness around backbends in a thoughtful, precise way with this practice. This class incorporates side bends, twists, and some backbend mechanics to help demystify what it means to open your heart. Recommended prop: 1 block.