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5 minute Drowsy Driving
Pranayama & Meditation
1m 8s
At some point on a long drive the coffee, sugar, etc stops working and we're just plain tired. Perk yourself up at the next rest stop with these jump switches.
Up Next in Pranayama & Meditation
10 minute Natural Kegel Breathing (Pr...
Get familiar with the body parts that make up the pelvic floor to allow for natural kagel breathing. Recommended props: 2 blankets, 1 bolster, 2 blocks
10 minute Brain Hemisphere Synchorizi...
Practice breath work and subtle movements to sync up the two sides of your brain and reduce stress and frustration.
5 minute Rise and Shine Pranayama Med...
Take a few minutes at the start of your day to charge yourself with life. Recommended props: 1 blanket