Bree Zellis

Bree Zellis

Sabrina Zellis, better known as Bree, provides a yoga practice that implements curiosity in each pose. She pays homage to her mentors by blending the schools of Iyengar and Vinyasa; creating an alignment-based flow. Students can expect demonstrations, cues, and adjustments that build body awareness for personal growth. Kindness is sprinkled thru each and every carefully sequenced posture.

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Bree Zellis
  • 10 min Deep Stretch w/ Bree

    Go deep with this short and gentle stretch including reclining twists, hip openers, and a hamstring release. Recommended props: a block and a strap.

  • 10 min Energizing Yoga Flow w/ Bree

    Short on time? Need to energize in your whole body and mind? This class will stretch the legs, strengthen the arms, and stoke some fire into the core.

    Recommended props: two blocks