Becky Nickerson

Becky Nickerson

3 Seasons

Becky Nickerson, a part-time yoga teacher, exudes tranquility and peace, but don’t be fooled! Once you take one of her vinyasa flow classes, you’ll witness her energetic and powerful practice firsthand. Becky’s continued study is rooted in the living tradition of yoga and current scientific research, and she has trained with some of the world’s most accomplished yoga scholars. She aims to help her students strengthen their body, mind, and spirit connection through practices combining breath awareness with movement and deep meditation. When she’s not teaching or practicing yoga and meditation, you can find Becky trail running, mountain biking, skiing, and chasing her two young kids through Bend, Oregon.

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Becky Nickerson
  • 60 min Vinyasa Flow 2/3 w/ Becky- You are Needed - 7/7/2023

    Episode 1

    "Santosha" translates to contentment or loving acceptance. Consider things that want and need you instead of wanting what you don't have. Your yoga has been waiting for you to get on it; your coffee has been needing you to taste it. Find these feelings in fun variations of Kneeling Half Moon Pose...

  • LIVE: Vinyasa Flow 2-3 w/ Becky (Sub for Mia) 60 min w/ Chat - 7/14/2023

    Episode 2

    PT 8:15 AM - CT 10:15 AM - ET 11:15 AM
    Flow, breathe, and create strength & ease with Becky (Sub for Mia).

  • 60 min Vinyasa 2-3 w/ Becky - Grass is Greener Where You Water It- 8/4/2023

    Episode 3

    The grass is greener where you water it! In this 60 minute vinyasa, Becky sprinkles wisdom on how to grow and nurture the vitality within the relationships we already have. Practice a hip-opening flow featuring fun transitions to Tree pose and Half Moon pose and sneak in some arm balances to feel...